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Interview with Linda Rader Overman by Tyler R. Tichelaar at AUTHORS DEN


Monday, December 8, 2008

Letters Between Us in the college classroom

Last Tuesday, I was invited to attend Professor Eve Caram's English 300 Contemporary Literature course at California State University, Northridge.
Lucky for me that Prof. Caram required her class to read
Letters Between Us. It was the last novel in the series and the class members
all had very insightful comments and questions for me.
I hope I measured up to them....I want to thank Prof. Caram and her class for a very articulate and fulfilling discussion about Letters. I was quite humbled by the experience and quite excited as well.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Letters Between Us at Russo's Books in Bakersfield, CA

Thanksgiving holiday, Linda Rader Overman signed copies of her novel Letters Between Us at Russo's Books in Bakersfield, Ca.

Hosts were The Riccomini family--long time residents of Bakersfield. Linda and Merino Riccomini were kind enough to entertain Linda and her husband, Jim, in their lovely home as they continue to celebrate the engagement of their daughter Lisa to writer, director, and teacher Garrett Clancy of Los Angeles, formerly Boston.

Mike Russo and his dad,
Tony, were very gracious to
allow Letters Between Us
to have a meet & greet
at their beautiful bookstore.
Linda felt very lucky
to be there and even more fortunate to talk
about her book to passersby who were nice
enough to stop and chat, and even buy the book!

Linda ended up meeting a former Hollywood High School alumnus, Kathy Arnold, who lives in Bakersfield....They graduated within a few years of each other.
Kathy ended up introducing Linda and Jim to another HHS alumnus Susan Reep who also graduated within a few years of them. This world just gets smaller and smaller. And both ladies bought copies of the book.

Thanks to Russo's and Riccominis for making the holiday end on a very happy literary note!

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Veteran's Day & Letters Reading/Signing B&N Encino,CA

Veteran's Day 11/11/2008 Linda Rader Overman read
from her award winning novel, Letters Between Us,
to a large crowd of attendees.

Introduced by Kristine Williams, Community Relations Manager,
who Linda had been talking to for the better part of a year
about creating such an event, Kristine and her staff
were very accommodating and had enough
faith in this first time novelist to ink in the event.

Thank you to all my dear friends, colleagues, and
family who bought the book, asked wonderful
questions, laughed, and really made me feel loved,
proud, and also humbled by the overwhelming
show of support.

The good thing is although Linda was very nervous,
the crowd enjoyed the performance and many books sold, and isn't that the point!
Thank you to B&N Encino and Kristine Williams for
believing in Letters Between Us and Linda.
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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Skylight Books in Los Feliz, Ca & Letters Between Us

I am thankful to all attendees and readers who came to see me perform Letters Between Us and buy copies of the book which I happil!y signed...even if I couldn't feel my feet anymore...drat those red 4 inch stilettos heels, but they looked good
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Skylight Books & many friends attend

Ana Martinez and her daughter psychologist Joanne Alvarez were in the audience.

Just about this point my red 4 inch stiletto heels were starting to kill me.

Jon and Sharon Laahs with son Evander dropped by to buy a book and share a bite of dinner post reading at Figaro Cafe next door!

Letters readg @ Skylight Books in Los Feliz district of L.A.

Always amazed to see my books and a publicity poster in a book store....of Letters Between Us. It is so twilight
zone-esque and yet
I am so thankful that I am actually experiencing
this moment of coming unstuck in time.

I asked a passerby to take my photo and she thought it was so funny that I-author-should ask.

Being introduced by Skylight Books co-owner and manager, Kerry Slattery to the many attendees.
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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Author reflects on Author in the window

At the local Barnes & Noble in Encino, CA. within half a mile from my home I stand facing myself in the window....my reading/signing here is not until Veteran's Day 11/11/08 at 730P, Tuesday. But I couldn't help myself--I had to stop by as a friend had called the other day to tell me she was standing in front of the display for Letters Between Us in the window.
It was almost surreal seeing myself and my book behind the glass. It is also surreal that after so many years of trying to get pubished that Letters was honored as a National Best Books 2008 Award finalist in Chick Lit/Women't Lit category sponsored by USA Book News.
Then I remembered over thirty years ago while writing in my journal, writing in the closet I used to call it, I wondered, rather forlornly if one day I would ever experience such a moment....and suddenly here I am and there she is staring back at me---Linda Rader Overman, award winning Author.
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Author Gives A Talk-part 2

Skylight Books Manager, Steve Salardino, came to handle the sales of copies of Letters Between Us at my Author Talk at the Northridge Public Library.
Friend and colleague Jeff Gilbert brought his lovely wife Susan who nursed a veracious cold...and by holding a hanky near her face all present were convinced that she was actually quite moved by my reading (sort of)!

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An Author Gives a Talk-part 1

On November 1, a Saturday afternoon, a dedicated group of friends and CSUN colleagues braved the rain and thunder to hear me read from Letters Between Us. Snacks were provided to keep them full of sugar and wide awake. And they did me proud by listening, asking challenging questions, and best of all purchasing copies of the book for themselves and as gifts for friends and relatives.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Letters Between Us - hosted by Valencia socialite Loreen Soto part 3

Thank you again to Mrs. Soto and her husband Mario for hosting this Letters Between Us coming out party in her elegant Northbridge Point home!

Letters Between Us - hosted by Valencia socialite Loreen Soto part 2

As the afternoon wore on and the shadows grew longer the party goers became giddy with wine and vibrant conversation. No one wanted to go home. And the good thing is more books sold!

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Letters Between Us hosted by Valencia, CA socialite Loreen Soto

Letters Between Us (Plain View Press) had a very successful coming out party at the home of Valencia hostess and socialite, Loreen Doyle Soto and her many lovely friends. They all turned out in abundance to meet and greet author Linda Rader Overman. Her daughter, Deva Overman (in stripes), designer and owner of clothing line Nakey Baby, added color and splash by selling her adorable boy shorts, baby clothes and off the shoulder custom designed off-the-shoulder shirts. Ms. Soto can be seen modeling one of them in midnight black.

The ladies chatted away in the garden on a beautiful afternoon, savoring
hors d'oeuvres, and a variety of Napa Valley wines while everyone enjoyed the literary salon of the day and purchased signed copies of the award winning epistolary novel.

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Finalist honor for Letters Between Us

Happy news today that

Letters Between Us has been honored as a "Finalist" in the "Fiction & Literature: Chick Lit/Women's Lit" category of the
National Best Books 2008 Awards, sponsored by USA Book News.

Yeah baby!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Letters Between Us reviewed on Reuters.com


Letters Between Us was well reviewed on Rebeccasreads.com BUT then Reuters.com picked it up as well. Check it out

I pasted it in below.

Reprinted in Reuters.com

Linda Rader OvermanPlain View Press (2008)ISBN 9781891386626
Originally Reviewed by Kam Aures for RebeccasReads (8/08)
“Letters Between Us” begins at the end, with a Santa Barbara Herald newspaper article chronicling the death of 39-year-old Katharine Taylor Fields whose body was found in a dumpster at the Cold Spring Tavern Inn. Katharine’s friend, Laura Wells, learns of the death through Katharine’s estranged husband David. Katharine had been a patient at the Santa Barbara Psychiatric hospital for the past eight months, had just disappeared, and then was found dead. After attending the memorial services, Laura visit’s David’s house and he gives her “a brown cardboard box with some of Katharine’s mementos from childhood.” (p. 19)
It turns out that both of them had saved the letters written between them, Katharine’s even dated back to 8th grade. Laura holes herself up at the Vista del Mar Inn and after having her husband send her own box of saved letters she is intent on reading through all of them. This is the form in which the story is written, a series of letters back and forth, interjected with journal entries and Laura’s memories.
Following Laura’s journey of discovery and remembrance makes for an interesting narrative. I love the way that Overman uses the letters to piece together the story and while doing so paints a clear picture of the two main character’s lives. I also enjoyed the inclusion of the historical events and pop culture references that were a part of the era in which the story took place. Katharine and Laura keeping pace with the world around them gives a feel of authenticity to the book.
Although I had an advance reader copy without the final cover, I did see a picture of the cover of the book on the author’s website and absolutely love it. I think that it is perfectly fitting of the storyline and gives the reader a clear picture of exactly what the book is about. “Letters Between Us” is an engaging, easy-to-read novel, written in a unique form. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys women’s fiction, stories of friendship and family, and to anyone who came of age during the 60’s and 70’s.

At Borders in Valencia 10/18 Saturday Letters sells!!

I spent a lovely Saturday afernoon talking to many friends, colleagues, students, and book browsers who actually bought signed copies of Letters Between Us. It felt like a literary salon with all the wonderful people who dropped by...thanks so very much to everyone and especially to Stan and Carolyn for treating my husband and me to dinner after....! All copies sold out!!

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Monday, October 13, 2008

BookSoup Reading/Signing 10/11/08 on Hollywood

A successful reading and sold many books and many friends and relatives dropped by in support!
Thank you all!
Join me for my next appearance at Borders Valencia Town Center Sat 10/18 at 3p.m.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sex Drugs and RocknRoll!

Letters Between Us--My novel is out almost...not out of the closet....well maybe ... as it was in the writing closet for over a decade and more. BUT here it is and how groovy it was to find myself on B&N and Amazon....funny thing is...there is another nonfiction book with the same title published in 2004 on Amazon. And when I found my book link other book sellers claimed that they had used copies of my novel for cheap. I laughed because there are NO used copies of it. How could there be, it just arrived. Liars liars pants on fires.
If you want my novel, don't be confused with that other title from 2004,don't buy that one, buy my novel: Letters Between Us. My son did the artwork and it is brilliant.
Click here to see the Letters Between Us book trailer and scroll down a bit. It foreshadows the movie that will some day be made of this work...just wait and see!
Know now--everyone--mine is the 2008 novel and it rocks! Just like the Sixties did, which is when it takes place in flashback form as a look back from the Eighties....
All of you out there who purchase it--please be cool and post a review on Amazon and B&N. Por favor???
Check out lindaraderoverman.com to see where I am reading/signing around the LA area, Valencia, and Bakersfield too!

It would be totally bitchin'!
Later ....