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Thursday, June 17, 2021

Losing a dear friend is never easy even a year later CSUN Professor Kitty Nard's death leaves a gap in the English Department a mile wide

Kitty Nard Memorial

In honor of her four daughters, Jennifer, Jessica, Sarah, and Katie who showed such amazing brilliance and strength in eulogizing their mother.  I include their memorialization of Kitty below whose celebration of life I was honored to host on June 12, 2021.

"Kitty Marie Pine Nard, age 65, of Glendale, CA passed away peacefully at 5:44 a.m. on May 27, 2020, the exact time of the L.A sunrise. She went to the hospital, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and a few days later she died.

We created this memorial page to celebrate her life.  Our mom was our hero. She taught us how to work hard, love without conditions, think for ourselves, and help those less fortunate. She gently guided us through life and provided us with the lessons we need to survive without her and know that we will be okay. Mom would NEVER just come out and tell us the answers. She fully believed in “teaching a person to fish.” And boy can we fish.

Throughout her life she took care of others. Effortlessly, Mom’s calmness and acceptance invited others to open up to her. But it was her compassion, thoughtfulness and ability to listen, hear, and support (without judgment) that impacted so many and made so many long lasting friendships.

She will stay alive through her 4 daughters, son-in-laws, sister, brother, 5 grandchildren, framily, friends, colleagues, students, and anyone who met her.

She often said us 4 girls were her greatest accomplishment, but “she was the wind beneath our wings.”

Kitty Nard strongly believed that education could open doors and change lives. She experienced this herself when she returned to school as a single mother of four.  In 1994, she joined the CSUN community as a transfer student and found herself a home. She began teaching in the English Department in 1998 while continuing to pursue her own education. She would go on to earn a Master of Arts in Creative Writing in 2000 and a Master of Fine Arts in 2004.  Her perseverance and passion for education inspired many. Over the twenty-two years Kitty taught at CSUN, she shared her passion and encouraged her students to follow theirs, reminding them along the way that “If she could do it, they can too.”  Kitty’s family has created this scholarship to continue her legacy and dedication to inspiring and helping others.  

Ways to contribute:
1. By credit card

Write in amount under Additional Information, Other Special Instructions, YOU MUST write in: "Kitty Nard Memorial Scholarship Fund."

2.By check
Please make the check out to CSUN Foundation
In the memo line, write "Kitty Nard Memorial Scholarship Fund."

Mailing address is:
California State University, Northridge Foundation,
18111 Nordhoff Street,
University Hall 110,
Northridge, CA 91330-8296

3. By Stock/Securities

Our Mom will be missed greatly. 
"There is no end to grief and that is how we know there is no end to love."