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Friday, October 28, 2022

So proud of this work my colleagues published Ch 15 in as it is such an important read: The Invisible Professor: The Precarious Lives of the New Faculty Majority

My former CSUN colleagues  


Jennifer K. Johnson Thumbnail imageand 

Nicole Warwick Thumbnail image 

who are now at University of California, Santa Barbara just published this article 

"Reconsidering the Status of Contingency: Are These Really the Trenches?"

Lecturer. Assistant Professor. To those outside of academia, there is little to no
recognition of the distinction between these academic ranks. But within U.S. ac
ademic circles, there is a huge disparity between them in terms of what they con
vey about job security, salary, privileges, and respect.

The Invisible Professor: The Precarious Lives of the New Faculty Majority

Edited by Natalie M. Dorfeld
Copy edited by Karen P. Peirce. Designed by Mike Palmquist.

This edited collection, the first in the Practices & Possibilities series to be published in its Voices from the Field section, offers a rich set of narratives by writing instructors who are serving or have worked in contingent positions. Intended for anyone considering a career in the humanities, The Invisible Professor seeks to reach individuals in three phases of their careers: those thinking of entering the profession, those knee-deep in it and looking for ways to improve conditions, and those who have vacated academic positions for more humane alternative tracks.

As academia comes to a crossroads, with a disheartening shift towards a more disposable business model, multiple solutions are desperately needed. Faculty members in contingent positions are the new faculty majority on college campuses, and they are most likely the first professors students will meet. They deserve respect and a livable wage.

 Love these Professors who are fabulous teachers and scholars and dear friends!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

 My colleague Professor Mary Marca, MFA (from CSUN) publishes much of her wonderful work --short stories that she publishes quite often--enough to make me jealous on her website Mary McCann Marca, Writer

along with her blog musings the link is on her website.  I am recommending this as a wonderful read!