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Interview with Linda Rader Overman by Tyler R. Tichelaar at AUTHORS DEN


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Linda Rader Overman & Letters Between Us feted at 6,000 feet!

My gratitude to Susan Reep (a Hollywood High alumni as I am) and Mark Smith who invited me to bring Letters Between Us to their open house where guests celebrated the beauty of an artfully crafted tongue-and-groove knotty pine mountain vacation home in Alta Sierra, CA 6,000 feet above sea level.

Susan even had a signing table ready for me with a stand up of my book and my photograph! I stand here between two Susans, my host on the left, and her dear friend Susan on my right.

Jennifer, their daughter, is a fan of my novel and posed for me with a potential reader, her adorable son, Joseph, who needs to mature just a bit before he reads it--but he was very willing to pose next to his literary loving mom.

The day couldn't have been lovelier (a comfortable high 70's F.) and the magnificent mountain weather at that altitude was splendidly assisted by the surrounding forest of fragrant pine trees. Susan even even tied balloons along the way for the attendees to find this jewel of a house. I felt like we were standing in a Hansel and Gretel highrise with only beautiful people.

Thank you to Mark and Susan and the guests who were gracious enough to buy my book.
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Monday, May 18, 2009

Finalist Honor for Letters Between Us & Linda Rader Overman

Letters Between Us was selected as a "Finalist in Novella" and "Finalist in Best Cover Design Fiction" categories of the 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Awards!
Linda is especially pleased for her son Michael who created the cover for Letters...all those art classes paid off...Yay!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Letters Between Us & Wonderful Review on J. Kaye's Book Blog

Thanks to J. Kaye's Book Blog for the wonderful review and comment on Letters Between Us and its verisimilitude! It really helps and makes me proud.

"Letters Between Us by Linda Rader Overman is an emotional roller-coaster story of two women and their lives. From the start of Laura and Kitty’s friendship in 8th grade in the 60’s to Kitty’s death at age 39 from mental illness, this story is one of ups, downs and self-discovery. The setting is Los Angeles in the 60’s thru 80’s and both girls were from low middle-class dysfunctional families. Both were different in looks and temperament. . ."
Read furtther at J. Kaye's Book Blog

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Letters Between Us & Linda Rader Overman in Prof. Caram's CSUN English class

Letters Between Us and Linda Rader Overman received a thorough vetting today in writer & Prof. Eve Caram's English 300 Class at CSUN. The students were ready with a load of challenging questions about the characters, the plot, the writing process! It was easy to tell that Prof. Caram had prepared the students well to interact with my novel and boy they did put me on the spot with some hard questions for which I am very grateful along with the interest and ensuing discussions.

It appears that papers will be written on Letters by some of the students and I hope they go easy on me, gulp! Thanks so much Prof. Caram for allowing me to visit your class and for teaching Letters Between Us again this semester.

A second time she has been so gracious to use Letters on her required reading list!!

Thanks to all of her students who were ready for me and enjoyed receiving my shameless self-promotion pens and had me sign copies of the novel. It was a privilege.
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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Letters Between Us & Linda Rader Overman appeared @ Brandeis National Cmtee's 20th Annual Words Wit Wisdom luncheon

Linda Rader Overman presented from and signed copies of her novel, Letters Between Us, at the 20th Annual Words, Wit & Wisdom Authors & Book Luncheon for the Brandeis National Committee San Fernando Vally Chapter.
The Ahmanson Ballroom at the Skirball Cultural Center provided an outstanding venue for this event.

Brandeis University has 60 some chapters and this very active one honored writing and reading with presentations (in order) from Linda Rader Overman (Letters Between Us), Leonard Felder, Ph.D. (When Difficult Relatives Happen to Good People), Kate Jacobs (Friday Night Knitting Club), Carol Tavris, Ph.D. (Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me), Mark Sarvas (Harry, Revisited), and Susan Straight (The Friskative Dog).

Many thanks to Mary Millman, and Fran Shuster (enjoyed sitting at Fran's table), Program Vice Presidents and Naomi Javitz, Luncheon Chairperson, among many many other amazing women who oversaw this worthy event.
Funds from the luncheon and book purchases are donated to the Library at Brandeis University to encourage and enhance knowledge of the written and spoken word,
hence the title of this luncheon.

It was a pleasure meeting all the writers (I am sitting between Mark Sarvas and Kate Jacobs at the signing table) and the incredible group of dedicated women who are the motivating force for this exciting and uplifiting day!!

Please consider sending your love and donations to Library at Brandeis University if you honor reading and writing.

Many thanks also to my dear friend Ann Fuller who drove up from Huntington Beach to attend, take these photographs and have me sign her copy of Letters.
And love to Sandy Struman, a colleague from CSUN,
who also attended and was most encouraging.

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