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Interview with Linda Rader Overman by Tyler R. Tichelaar at AUTHORS DEN


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Veteran's Day & Letters Reading/Signing B&N Encino,CA

Veteran's Day 11/11/2008 Linda Rader Overman read
from her award winning novel, Letters Between Us,
to a large crowd of attendees.

Introduced by Kristine Williams, Community Relations Manager,
who Linda had been talking to for the better part of a year
about creating such an event, Kristine and her staff
were very accommodating and had enough
faith in this first time novelist to ink in the event.

Thank you to all my dear friends, colleagues, and
family who bought the book, asked wonderful
questions, laughed, and really made me feel loved,
proud, and also humbled by the overwhelming
show of support.

The good thing is although Linda was very nervous,
the crowd enjoyed the performance and many books sold, and isn't that the point!
Thank you to B&N Encino and Kristine Williams for
believing in Letters Between Us and Linda.
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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Skylight Books in Los Feliz, Ca & Letters Between Us

I am thankful to all attendees and readers who came to see me perform Letters Between Us and buy copies of the book which I happil!y signed...even if I couldn't feel my feet anymore...drat those red 4 inch stilettos heels, but they looked good
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Skylight Books & many friends attend

Ana Martinez and her daughter psychologist Joanne Alvarez were in the audience.

Just about this point my red 4 inch stiletto heels were starting to kill me.

Jon and Sharon Laahs with son Evander dropped by to buy a book and share a bite of dinner post reading at Figaro Cafe next door!

Letters readg @ Skylight Books in Los Feliz district of L.A.

Always amazed to see my books and a publicity poster in a book store....of Letters Between Us. It is so twilight
zone-esque and yet
I am so thankful that I am actually experiencing
this moment of coming unstuck in time.

I asked a passerby to take my photo and she thought it was so funny that I-author-should ask.

Being introduced by Skylight Books co-owner and manager, Kerry Slattery to the many attendees.
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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Author reflects on Author in the window

At the local Barnes & Noble in Encino, CA. within half a mile from my home I stand facing myself in the window....my reading/signing here is not until Veteran's Day 11/11/08 at 730P, Tuesday. But I couldn't help myself--I had to stop by as a friend had called the other day to tell me she was standing in front of the display for Letters Between Us in the window.
It was almost surreal seeing myself and my book behind the glass. It is also surreal that after so many years of trying to get pubished that Letters was honored as a National Best Books 2008 Award finalist in Chick Lit/Women't Lit category sponsored by USA Book News.
Then I remembered over thirty years ago while writing in my journal, writing in the closet I used to call it, I wondered, rather forlornly if one day I would ever experience such a moment....and suddenly here I am and there she is staring back at me---Linda Rader Overman, award winning Author.
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Author Gives A Talk-part 2

Skylight Books Manager, Steve Salardino, came to handle the sales of copies of Letters Between Us at my Author Talk at the Northridge Public Library.
Friend and colleague Jeff Gilbert brought his lovely wife Susan who nursed a veracious cold...and by holding a hanky near her face all present were convinced that she was actually quite moved by my reading (sort of)!

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An Author Gives a Talk-part 1

On November 1, a Saturday afternoon, a dedicated group of friends and CSUN colleagues braved the rain and thunder to hear me read from Letters Between Us. Snacks were provided to keep them full of sugar and wide awake. And they did me proud by listening, asking challenging questions, and best of all purchasing copies of the book for themselves and as gifts for friends and relatives.