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Linda Rader Overman - proud of her former student & teacher Enrique Solis who published a brilliant essay-"Delving Into a New World: A Sell Out or Success Story? "

Delving Into a New World: A Sell Out or Success Story? By Enrique Solis In high school, I failed eight classes, took summer school e...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Linda Rader Overman & PhD at almost 60...a work on fire

Sitting across from my colleague Nicole while she writes her dissertation. Kathleen sits at the kitchen table and writes hers. I sit near the fire and wonder why mine isn't on fire also.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Linda Rader Overman & PhD at almost 60...a work in progress

Writing by the fire with my colleague who is also writing, a peace resides between us as the fire burns. Both warm the swiftness of our fingers as they glide across the respective keyboards rendering us ever closer to that far reaching peak.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Linda Rader Overman & PhD at almost 60...a work in progress

A writing afternoon, working on my PhD spent at the Oviatt Library at CSUN was made all the more interesting with a bomb scare. Thankfully it was at the north end of campus and thankfully it was all over within a couple of hours. Meanwhile, hard at work with my colleague Nicole Warwick working on her PhD also, we did not quit until the library closed at 5:00 p.m. So where did we go . . . up to our office in Sierra Tower to continue writing. Now that is dogged determination in a rainstorm no less.