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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Deva Marie Overman Obituaries VIDEO Tribute & Scholarship Information

Our beautiful girl is missed like the breath of morning mist in the dawn!

  1. Deva Marie Overman Obituary -All County Funeral Home, Lake Worth, Florida
  2. Deva Marie Overman-Los Angeles Times Obituary
  4. Or view video tribute below--

You can link here to a copy of the LA TIMES obituary due to be published on the following Sundays, Oct 3 & Oct 10/2021.  

You can find out more about donating to the FASHION INSTITUTE OF DESIGN & MERCHANDISING SCHOLARSHIP information --grant tuition assistance to a deserving Los Angeles based student just as Deva once was in the Merchandising  Product Development Major.

by clicking here:

Choose Deva Marie Overman Scholarship Fund--since ASM & FIDM became ASUFIDM in 2023 all scholarship funds were distributed to students in most need. So no more Deva scholarship fund but at least it went to students which is most important.



Monday, September 13, 2021

One week since you left us our dearest daughter, DEVA, we still are in shock

On 8/29/2021

One week since you left us our dearest DEVA we still are in shock regarding your absence & we can’t believe it - we hadn’t seen you in two years. 

Sadly you chose a toxic life with a toxic person who helped divide us even further. 

We wished you’d walked a different path but addiction is a monster & it swallowed you up. 

We tried to help you make better choices but the choices you made led you to Sunday night 8/22/2021 in Florida at 848pm. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😩😩😩😩❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜💜

Another day following our daughter's death and...

 One week later -Another day 8/29/2021 & we won’t be able to see or talk to you again 😭😭😩😭😭😫😫😫😫

The loss of our daughter Deva Marie Overman is immeasurable this year.

The loss of our daughter is immeasurable--this year.  It punctures the heart like a pandemic times 100 stronger than any COVID-19 outcome could.

You’ll be missed my darling precious daughter, Deva, you made it to 39 and we wish it could have been longer but the battle is over the demons have gone RIP and in the light of love that now surrounds you.