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Linda Rader Overman - proud of her former student & teacher Enrique Solis who published a brilliant essay-"Delving Into a New World: A Sell Out or Success Story? "

Delving Into a New World: A Sell Out or Success Story? By Enrique Solis In high school, I failed eight classes, took summer school e...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Letters Between Us & Linda Rader Overman joined Authors' Coop @LATimes Festival of Books

At UCLA on Saturday 4/25 (& Sunday 4/26) Letters Between Us and Linda Rader Overman was thrilled to be part of the Authors' Coop in Booth #610 during LATimes Festival of Books!...The weather was splendid and the dozen or so of us who were privileged to share booth time and sell & sign copies of our books of various genres couldn't have been luckier to be a part of this wonderful event that is a testament to the written and spoken word. Here I am standing with writer Julie Spira who I was happy to meet and discuss our passion for writing with. I was also thrilled to meet writers: Janet Golinger, Linda Ballou, Anne Megowan, and Loren Woodson in person.
Posted by Picasa The booth was faciliated, gracefully and with class, by poet, Christine Alexanians and writer, Carolyn Howard-Johnson. Many people dropped in to take a look at our displays, ask questions, talk about reading and writing---a favorite subject for all of us---and buy a book and take away a freebie from our collectively donated pile. There were readers walking by who stopped in to purchase a copy of Letters such as Bill and his daughter Danica. Also colleagues and friends stopped by to obtain signed copies of Letters!
Many thanks to Mary Marca, Ren Colantoni, Terri Silverberg and Marsha!
It was an envigorating experience and I am grateful to have been part of it.

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