April 1, 2023 Saturday at 3PM --Appearing at Thousand Oaks Library and will be leading a creative workshop for beginning and aspiring writers. Teens 16+ are welcome to join.
Do join us!!
This is a discussion of a woman, an ordinary woman who participates in the everyday and commonplace acts of life. As she re-views (reminiscences) about her present, past, and future. This collaboration of, and interdependence between the visual and the verbal, forms an autoethnography of a woman’s life and explores a still developing, still evolving selfhood.
World War 2 & French Resistance My father William Rader served in the OSS and worked in France during August of 1944 with the French R...
April 1, 2023 Saturday at 3PM --Appearing at Thousand Oaks Library and will be leading a creative workshop for beginning and aspiring writers. Teens 16+ are welcome to join.
Do join us!!
Prof Mary Marca: Click here on the first episode of THE LAST THING I WISHED I SAID , Linda speaks to retired Professor of Creative Writing Mary Marca, who taught at California State University, Northridge for twenty years. Mary shares her grief about the loss of her mother, Mabel Mary Pugh lovingly known as Molly, and the helplessness of a sudden death.
My Podcast is coming have a listen to the trailer
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