Linda was very impressed with the diverse group of retirees from many walks of professional life.
"SAGE operates under the auspices of California State University, Northridge as part of the College of Extended Learning and is designed to provide learning in retirement programs."

Linda enjoyed meeting Janet Schulz and Blanche Wentworth attendees who were so gracious and engaging sharing their life experiences.
Janet wrote and published some 60 novels with Harlequin in the Special Edition category romance genre under the nom de plume of Tracy Sinclair...but she has decided to slow down now. Compared to my one published novel so far Linda did feel like the underachiever with this crowd of accomplished professionals.
However, Linda was quite touched that some of the attendees bought copies of my novel: Letters Between Us. Linda so appreciates it as does her publisher Plain View Press.
Thank you to Jeanne Polak-Recht & SAGE for inviting Linda Rader Overman to be the featured speaker and share ideas and discourse with this august group!

Thank you to Jeanne Polak-Recht & SAGE for inviting Linda Rader Overman to be the featured speaker and share ideas and discourse with this august group!
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