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Linda Rader Overman - proud of her former student & teacher Enrique Solis who published a brilliant essay-"Delving Into a New World: A Sell Out or Success Story? "

Delving Into a New World: A Sell Out or Success Story? By Enrique Solis In high school, I failed eight classes, took summer school e...

Friday, January 30, 2009

Linda Overman talks w/West Side Writers in Cleveland

On January 17, 2009 on a bitter cold Saturday morning, I was introduced by Susan DiSalvo at the West Side Writers talk in the Westlake Porter Public Library in Cleveland, OH where I talked about the challenges of being an author--as I call it--"Publish or Perish and Live to Tell About It." Comprised of a "motley group of writers, published and not yet published, working in various ways the craft and art of writing," this audience was well informed and a devoted group of men and women who share the same passion and love of the written word as I do. It was quite an honor to speak with them and discuss why we do what we do so doggedly despite the many many rejections. No matter, we just do it because it's like breathing and we have no choice but to continue.

Thank you for inviting me West Side Writers and thanks to my cousins John & Marylou Palermo for providing me with first class accommodations at their lovely home in Westlake, OH and for feeding me our favorite food, Italian. Also thanks to reporter, Mary Levtzow, who writes for several of the local papers such as The Westlaker Times, Crocker Park Press, The Olmsted-Fairview Times, The Lorain County Times, and The Lakewood News Times among others for taking photographs and writing such wonderful articles to publicize the event. Thank you to the library for accepting a donation of my book and promising to review it on their website.

The fact that all these attendees came out on such a cold snowy morning to hear me and excerpts from my novel, Letters Between Us, is a testament to the forbearance and drive of so many writers. Again thanks to the wonderful hosts from my family the Palermos and their willingness to support me during this book tour!
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