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  World War 2 & French Resistance My father William Rader served in the OSS and worked in France during August of 1944 with the French R...

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Memorial Trees Planted in memory of Deva Marie Overman our dear departed daughter


"Thanks to your generous gift of Memorial Trees from the Tribute Store !!

In memory of Deva Overman, we are pleased to inform you that American Forests has planted your trees as a part of the Michigan Kirtland’s Warblers project. A total of 30,000 trees have been planted to help restore this beautiful forest from devastating fire damage. Keeping these sites as natural as possible is essential to the health of the newly planted trees. Please help them acclimate and grow by refraining from visiting the locations. Now more than ever in the face of climate change and wildfires, it is important to protect our country’s beautiful forests, and thanks to your donation in memory of Deva Overman we are making that happen. Take care, The Team at Tribute Store."




Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Give the gift of tuition assistance--the Deva Marie Overman Scholarship Fund at FIDM


Give the gift of tuition assistance to a deserving student at Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising to honor our daughter's memory. She was at her best as a student there. 

The recipient of her scholarship may just be the designer of the clothes you wear in future. 

Deva Marie Overman Scholarship Fund --ASU merged with FIDM to become ASMFIDM recently in 2023 and scholarship funds were distributed to students in most need! So no more scholarship fund under Deva's name anymore-- but students received the help which is all that matters.

Monday, November 22, 2021


Deva Marie Overman
Memorial will be June 11, 2022, Saturday 12NOON--lunch will be served. It will be a hybrid memorial for both attendances in person or Zoom for those who prefer to attend remotely. An invitation will be sent out via social media/email in early Spring, 2022.
Deva Marie Overman Scholarship Fund at Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising
Donations accepted at
http://fidmscholarshipfoundation.org/en/DONATE/---since ASM & FIDM became ASUFIDM in 2023 all scholarship funds were distributed to students in most need. So no more Deva scholarship fund but at least it went to students which is most important.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Day of the Dead Digital Altar on Los Angeles Times an Ofrenda for Deva Overman our beloved daughter

 Day of the Dead Digital Altar on Los Angeles Times!!

FIRST--We want to thank you, beloved family members, who already contributed to Deva's Scholarship fund. We so appreciate it. However, some of you had queried about how to do it as the original information was a bit more convoluted so now FIDM has created a direct link--which when clicked shows Deva's name in the scholarships available list.  This just went live.  Please know that we totally understand if you choose not to but we just wanted to respond to some of the queries we received.

An OFRENDA (an offering celebrated on day of the dead ) to Deva Overman’s memory – please donate to the Deva Marie Overman scholarship fund at FIDM —the gift of tuition assistance to a deserving student at Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising
honoring her memory when she was at her best��
click this link to go to
FIDM Scholarship Foundation---since ASM & FIDM became ASUFIDM in 2023 all scholarship funds were distributed to students in most need. So no more Deva scholarship fund but at least it went to students which is most important.


Thursday, September 30, 2021

Deva Marie Overman Obituaries VIDEO Tribute & Scholarship Information

Our beautiful girl is missed like the breath of morning mist in the dawn!

  1. Deva Marie Overman Obituary -All County Funeral Home, Lake Worth, Florida
  2. Deva Marie Overman-Los Angeles Times Obituary
  4. Or view video tribute below--

You can link here to a copy of the LA TIMES obituary due to be published on the following Sundays, Oct 3 & Oct 10/2021.  

You can find out more about donating to the FASHION INSTITUTE OF DESIGN & MERCHANDISING SCHOLARSHIP information --grant tuition assistance to a deserving Los Angeles based student just as Deva once was in the Merchandising  Product Development Major.

by clicking here:

Choose Deva Marie Overman Scholarship Fund--since ASM & FIDM became ASUFIDM in 2023 all scholarship funds were distributed to students in most need. So no more Deva scholarship fund but at least it went to students which is most important.



Monday, September 13, 2021

One week since you left us our dearest daughter, DEVA, we still are in shock

On 8/29/2021

One week since you left us our dearest DEVA we still are in shock regarding your absence & we can’t believe it - we hadn’t seen you in two years. 

Sadly you chose a toxic life with a toxic person who helped divide us even further. 

We wished you’d walked a different path but addiction is a monster & it swallowed you up. 

We tried to help you make better choices but the choices you made led you to Sunday night 8/22/2021 in Florida at 848pm. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😩😩😩😩❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜💜

Another day following our daughter's death and...

 One week later -Another day 8/29/2021 & we won’t be able to see or talk to you again 😭😭😩😭😭😫😫😫😫

The loss of our daughter Deva Marie Overman is immeasurable this year.

The loss of our daughter is immeasurable--this year.  It punctures the heart like a pandemic times 100 stronger than any COVID-19 outcome could.

You’ll be missed my darling precious daughter, Deva, you made it to 39 and we wish it could have been longer but the battle is over the demons have gone RIP and in the light of love that now surrounds you.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Losing a dear friend is never easy even a year later CSUN Professor Kitty Nard's death leaves a gap in the English Department a mile wide

Kitty Nard Memorial

In honor of her four daughters, Jennifer, Jessica, Sarah, and Katie who showed such amazing brilliance and strength in eulogizing their mother.  I include their memorialization of Kitty below whose celebration of life I was honored to host on June 12, 2021.

"Kitty Marie Pine Nard, age 65, of Glendale, CA passed away peacefully at 5:44 a.m. on May 27, 2020, the exact time of the L.A sunrise. She went to the hospital, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and a few days later she died.

We created this memorial page to celebrate her life.  Our mom was our hero. She taught us how to work hard, love without conditions, think for ourselves, and help those less fortunate. She gently guided us through life and provided us with the lessons we need to survive without her and know that we will be okay. Mom would NEVER just come out and tell us the answers. She fully believed in “teaching a person to fish.” And boy can we fish.

Throughout her life she took care of others. Effortlessly, Mom’s calmness and acceptance invited others to open up to her. But it was her compassion, thoughtfulness and ability to listen, hear, and support (without judgment) that impacted so many and made so many long lasting friendships.

She will stay alive through her 4 daughters, son-in-laws, sister, brother, 5 grandchildren, framily, friends, colleagues, students, and anyone who met her.

She often said us 4 girls were her greatest accomplishment, but “she was the wind beneath our wings.”

Kitty Nard strongly believed that education could open doors and change lives. She experienced this herself when she returned to school as a single mother of four.  In 1994, she joined the CSUN community as a transfer student and found herself a home. She began teaching in the English Department in 1998 while continuing to pursue her own education. She would go on to earn a Master of Arts in Creative Writing in 2000 and a Master of Fine Arts in 2004.  Her perseverance and passion for education inspired many. Over the twenty-two years Kitty taught at CSUN, she shared her passion and encouraged her students to follow theirs, reminding them along the way that “If she could do it, they can too.”  Kitty’s family has created this scholarship to continue her legacy and dedication to inspiring and helping others.  

Ways to contribute:
1. By credit card

Write in amount under Additional Information, Other Special Instructions, YOU MUST write in: "Kitty Nard Memorial Scholarship Fund."

2.By check
Please make the check out to CSUN Foundation
In the memo line, write "Kitty Nard Memorial Scholarship Fund."

Mailing address is:
California State University, Northridge Foundation,
18111 Nordhoff Street,
University Hall 110,
Northridge, CA 91330-8296

3. By Stock/Securities

Our Mom will be missed greatly. 
"There is no end to grief and that is how we know there is no end to love."




Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Linda Rader Overman appreciates her latest interview in CSUN Today Jan 27, 2021

 CSUN TODAY with Carmen Ramos Chandler

Time Will Tell How Future Writers See Trump’s Tenure as President

Three CSUN professors, two novelists and a screenwriter, ponder how future novelists and screenwriters will tell the story of Donald Trump’s time as president of the United States.


As the distance grows from the end of Donald Trump’s tenure as president of the United States, novelists and screenwriters will grapple with how to tell the story of that period of time in America.

It was a marked by civil unrest and growing racial strife; a pandemic that killed more than 400,000 Americans in less than a year; record unemployment; an attempt by insurgents to storm the Capitol building to stop the certification of the election of a new president; Russians hacking into key governmental agencies; and two impeachments. . . .https://csunshinetoday.csun.edu/arts-and-culture/time-will-tell-how-future-writers-see-trumps-tenure-as-president/


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Linda Rader Overman is thankful that CSUN honored her novel LETTERS BETWEEN US with a review ...

 Linda Rader Overman is thankful CSUN's newspaper THE  SUNDIAL  honored her novel LETTERS BETWEEN US with a  review even so many years after its initial publication.

CSUN Published Authors 

 “Letters Between Us”

English Professor Linda Rader Overman, the author of “Letters Between Us”, wrote a story based in the 1960s about writer Laura Wells’s search for self-identity and lost friendship while being exposed to sex and drugs. Wells attends the memorial service for her best friend, Katharine Taylor, from childhood who was discovered in a garbage dump near Santa Barbara. When Wells obtains Katharine’s diaries, it starts a 26-year-old journey back to reveal unimaginable secrets leading to doubts of her knowing Katharine.